Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Not so Ok after all

Hey readers, this is me darthikea. I am your friend and you might have known me or might have not but my friendster is : http://www.friendster.com/darthikea

You can see me in friendster,myspace,lowyat forum,blueserver forum, dee dee daa daa and dum dum site wherever there is something interesting I would really like to participate especially in political,religious and things that require us to think critically for our own sake.

Usually I would never like to blog about my life,my daily routine but instead I would like to create some sensitive topics to be reviewed by everyone and make them think out of the box for a moment.

Basically my blog is simple and unattractive like myself :) seldom will I ever attach any exclusive picture, hopefully not until I successfully owned my own digital camera which I am still hoping to get it from whoever there is reading.

My goal is simple, to make money, to educate and hopefully to open the mind of those who loath to get awake from their day dreaming about their "korean love drama" fantasies and expose them to the cruelty and limit that others can get into us.

Before any of you guys ( when i say guys i refers to guys/gurls to avoid being simply labelled as sexist ) here with their itchy fingers trying to proceed further to read my blog, if you are some fanatic and shows a degree of fanboyism and cannot take my further sarcastic opinion which contains excessive curse and vulgarity which one might think it is a blasphemious lie or some sort of rumours and bullshits, please leave now. Remember you are not forced to read and digest any content I have posted so I claim no responsibility on any damage directly or indirectly done.

For more continuation of this blog which I hope users can post their constructive comment unlimitedly (hopefully) to give me inspiration to dig in any dark deep secret of anything that I know and to be written here to share with you guys.

Comments are very much appreciated as well as critics are very well accepted unless it is a pure nonsence that will make me curse the whole ancestral line of yours right back to your origin as a nutshell so please do post wisely using the two big giant hanging testicles inside your skull and use english instead of some nutcracking language like hokkien which I am still struggling to understand. Manglish are welcome but make sure is understand-able by most and not to your particular species to whoever you belongs to.

Further blog content might contain overwhelming of spelling error and excessive abuse of 1337 language so bare with me and you will be happy.

For this I shall rest my first content on this virgin blog of mine not to mention i owned a few others blog as well but was not well maintained because of numerous reasons and since this is my first posting I shall leave it as clean as possible until further filth is layed which is going to be very soon.

Thank you

- d a r t h i k e a -


Anonymous said...

i'll burn u a digital camera!

darthikea said...

y burn me something that u can give me as a whole?? :P

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